Stroke Exercise Videos for the Arm and Leg

NeuroRehab Team
Monday, May 30th, 2016



Recovering from a stroke can be quite challenging from both a psychological and physical perspective. In addition to completely experiencing a life-changing event, staying motivated with a daily intensive home exercise program can be a struggle. Once a client is discharged from the hospital, it will be important to maintain or improve their recovery by beginning an aggressive home exercise program immediately.

The latest research shows that the brain is capable of rewiring and adapting after stroke. Therefore, arm and leg recovery is more possible than previously thought. However, in order to improve strength and function, the client must be willing to incorporate the affected side purposefully, functionally, and repeatedly in the clinic and at home.

Stroke Exercise Videos

Listed below are 3 exercise videos (by Susan Ehler, PT) that can help stroke survivors successfully get started on their home program. The first video reviews neurorehab exercises that incorporate whole-body drills in both seated and standing positions. The second video discusses strength-training using elastic resistive bands. Finally, the third video reviews quick tips for balance training to help with postural control.

In addition to watching exercise videos to maximize compliance and motivation, it will be equally important to identify exercise products that can assist you with your recovery. Below are clickable product categories that review various exercise devices that may be right for you. Feel free to review the rehabilitation products by clicking on the appropriate button listed below.


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