ProtoKinetics Zeno Walkway detects and collects pressure data during static and dynamic balance and gait assessment. The Zeno Walkway is available in a variety of sizes fit to meet the specifications of your facility and protocols.
Zeno Walkways are available in 2′, 3′, and 4′ widths and 8′-40′ lengths. The 2′ width is used for static standing and straight-walking assessments. The 3′ and 4’ wide Zenos add the ability to collect data from turning or other maneuvers, and capture assistive device pressure from a walker or cane. Select the configuration of your choice or convert between 2′ and 4′ widths with our modular options.
ProtoKinetics, a leader in gait analysis measurement tools, provides specialized technology for assessing human performance. We are a team of engineers and biomechanists dedicated to data, advancing technology, human function, and helping others lead better lives. Our company aims to provide the tools that will become standard in the medical community for human performance evaluations and to facilitate improved healthcare, ultimately assisting people to retain, gain or regain the independence so integral to their daily lives. Since ProtoKinetics founding in April 2012, our equipment has helped transform research at key institutions and better treat patients at major hospitals.