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What is Electrical Stimulation?

MyndMove is a non-invasive therapy that combines patient participation, therapist expertise and the MyndMove functional electrical stimulation (FES) device to restore voluntary hand and arm function in patients suffering from upper-limb paralysis.

The MyndMove device is a single system comprised of several parts:

-embedded stimulation protocols that can elicit over 30 different reaching and grasping movements

-an 8 channel stimulator that can stimulate up to 8 different muscle groups in a single stimulation protocol

-an intuitive user interface allowing therapists to select and deliver personalized therapy

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2233 Argentia Road
Suite 307
Mississauga, ON, Canada

MyndTec Inc., a privately-held medical technology company located in Mississauga, Ontario, develops and distributes innovative therapies designed to improve function, maximize independence and enhance the quality of life for stroke and spinal cord injury patients.

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