Hand of Hope is a therapeutic device that may help patients regain hand mobility through motor relearning. It facilitates muscle re-education by both amplifying and rewarding a patient with desired motion in concert with his or her own muscle signal. The system continuously monitors and senses, but does not stimulate, the affected muscles.
The patient can self-initiates movement through their often very weak voluntary EMG signals that indicate the intention to move. The system then filters and processes data to a motor on the brace to enable the desired motion. This processing occurs so quickly that it is transparent to the end user but more importantly, the EMG-driven robotics requires the patient to be actively engaged throughout the therapy session.
Rehab-Robotics Co. Ltd. is committed to advance technologies in the rehabilitation profession to help patients achieve maximum recovery outcomes. We are dedicated to provide the integration of robotics into your training activities of daily living, continuous education and professional support. In partnership with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and rehabilitation experts in Hong Kong, we have created, developed and promoted the fusion of cutting edge technology with advance muscle re-education concepts to improve motor recovery.