New Online Directory Collects Reviews of Stroke Rehab

NeuroRehab Team
Monday, January 2nd, 2017



A new, non-biased website dedicated to assisting patients, families and health professionals with identifying appropriate neuro-rehab solutions and resources has recently launched. The directory is specifically designed for individuals with neurological injuries such as stroke, brain injury, cerebral palsy and spinal cord injury.

Heidi Hoffman, an occupational therapist in private practice specializing in adult neurological rehabilitation, recognized a serious gap in the information available to patients and health professionals around the numerous devices and programs used for neuro rehabilitation. Her vision for filling this gap led to the development of Designed to help patients and families seamlessly search for rehab solutions and programs in an impartial way, the advanced search engine allows users to find products by the impairment they address, price, product category and body region.

“Our new platform makes it easy for patients, caregivers and health professionals to quickly find neuro-rehab products and resources,” said Hoffman. “Many individuals research online before purchasing everyday items like appliances or electronics, so why not provide this same level of scrutiny when it comes to one’s own recovery? To keep companies honest, we collect reviews from actual users so individuals can make the best decision based on real feedback.”

In addition to assisting patients and families with product choices, the wide-ranging directory provides health professionals with up-to-date clinical resources so they can stay current and better serve their patients. “The new directory not only helps patients and families find solutions that meet their needs, the website also provides clinicians with evidenced-based resources and regularly scheduled clinical posts as a way to elevate best practices in neuro rehabilitation,” said Hoffman. is free for users. Companies do not pay for their products or services to be listed in the directory and if stroke families have used, or are curious to know more about a product or service not found in the directory, they can easily suggest that it be added to the listings via the “Recommend a Product” link on the site.

This information is provided as a resource to our readers. The tips, products or resources listed have not been reviewed or endorsed by the American Stroke Association.

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